The property, located at 11091 Coronel Road, Santa Ana, CA 92705, lies within the community of North Tustin in unincorporated Orange County. Positioned south of Arroyo Avenue, it sits at the intersection of Arroyo Avenue and Coronel Road. Surrounding properties to the north, east, and west fall within the E4 “Small Estates” District, featuring single-family residential uses. Directly across the street from the site stands Arroyo Elementary School.
The Site, zoned E4, consists of three separate parcels identified by Assessor Parcel Numbers (APN) 503-071-01, 503-071-02, and 503-071-11. Collectively, these lots span 11.02 acres, with a maximum width of 594 feet and a depth of approximately 768 feet. Facing Arroyo Avenue, the Site is home to two existing structures: a two-story single-family residence on APN 503-071-01 and a single-story single-family residence on APN 503-071-02. The third parcel (APN 503-071-11) is a narrow vacant lot, primarily designated for landscaping, covering approximately 0.37 acres.
The Site's agricultural lands are governed by the California Land Conservation Act of 1965, commonly referred to as the Williamson Act. These lands, subject to Williamson Act Contract No. 70-136, were initially designated for agricultural use, particularly for avocados and citrus fruit. However, a Notice of Non-Renewal for all three parcels was recorded on September 6, 2019, resulting in the Contract's termination on January 21, 2020. Upon non-renewal, the contractual provisions and restrictions remain in effect until the property owner applies for cancellation.
The property owners have since sought cancellation of the Contract, aiming to relieve the property from its current agricultural use restrictions. This action, once approved, will grant the property owners flexibility in potential future development, aligning with the existing E4 “Small Estates” zoning designation and general plan designations, thus allowing for non-agricultural development consistent with the area's zoning and planning guidelines.